Uttarakhand Forest Development Corporation, E-Auction

 Highest Bidder List

Auction Info :- Auction Date :- 02/05/2023 (17:00:00 - 18:00:00)
Sr.No Bidder Name Lot Number Forest Type Bidding Amount Security Amount
1 MALIK TIMBER 782/NC/22-23 VN 160700 18963
2 PURSHOTTAM SARAN TIMBERS 778/NC/22-23 VN 129500 15281
3 MALIK TIMBER 783/NC/22-23 VN 123000 14514
4 M/S HIMALAYA WOOD WORLD 781/NC/22-23 VN 105000 12390
5 M/S Nishan timber Railway bazar 785/NC/22-23 VN 28300 3540
6 MOHD YUSUF AND BROTHERS 784/NC/22-23 VN 27500 3540
7 MOHD YUSUF AND BROTHERS 786/NC/22-23 VN 19500 3540